26 May
Digital BSR Matchmaking Event for smart consumption smartups
In March, the acceleration phase of seven smartups from the Baltic Sea region began. The 2020 batch of smart consumption smartups have, as of the online bootcamp, been striving toward better understanding the new target market they’ve selected as the most interesting for them to pursue at this stage of their journey. In this, they get 1-on-1 support from their target market partners from within the SmartUp Accelerator consortium.
The SmartUp Accelerator team has arranged an opportunity for the smartups to get into specifics about their target markets during an online matchmaking event on May 26th. Based on their expressed goals and strategies, they will be matched with skilled and knowledgeable experts. They will get to dig deep on topics such as specific facts, get expert opinions on a problem, situation or step to reach a goal, get connected to specific people or learn more about human or financial resources on the market, to name a few examples.
The event is for invited smartups and stakeholders only.