What do foresight and horizon scanning mean? How can they be used by to identify new business opportunities or support sustainable entrepreneurship? What is the value of this for innovation intermediaries? During autumn 2019, the Smartup Accelerator consortium will arrange seven foresight trainings across Europe, free of charge for participants and open to different kinds of innovation actors.

The trainings are especially targeted for – but not limited to – innovation intermediaries working with startups, SMEs and the cleantech sector (such as incubators and accelerators). In particular, we are dealing with consumer cleantech “smartups” across the Baltic Sea Region, and it is our goal to build an ecosystem across Europe that supports these new kinds of startups. The training is intended to support the creation of new, sustainable business ideas through thinking about long-term change in society & business.

Please be in touch with our partners if you would like to attend or are interested in some form of collaboration. Read about past training events from the news section.

Contents of the training

1. Foresight

  • What is foresight? Why is it done? 
  • What are trends, megatrends and tensions?
  • What is horizon scanning? 
  • How to & why do scenarios? 
  • What else are foresight methods good for? 

2. New Business

  • How to identify trends in a particular industry
  • How to look at cross-sectoral trends and tensions
  • How does new business arise from societal change? 
  • What could responsible business look like in the future? 

3. Ecosystem management

  • What is the Smartup Accelerator model?
  • What are our experiences running this model?
  • What is the potential of using this model & its insights?
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